lunedì 25 giugno 2007

ML DIARY S.52: 25 GIU - 01 LUG 2007

Grande week piena zeppa di appuntamenti anche LIVE. Oltre alle consuete dirette di MA.ME.GI (ore 20), ci troveremo VE 29.06.07 al RistorantePizzeria BARACUDA (località Vignola - Vergemoli, Lucca) per il 1^ dei 3 appuntamenti con il concorso canoro di cui abbiamo già dettagliatamente parlato non solo sul sito (che ha ancora problemi di aggiornamento di cui vi chiedo scusa, ma non dipende da me)ma anche in diretta radio. A proposito... è iniziato il conto alla rovescia dei giorni disponibili per le iscrizioni che chiuderanno GI 28.
Mi ha fatto molto piacere sapere che si sono già iscritti molti dei miei "vecchi clienti", che ho avuto occasione di presentare live negli appuntamenti passati.
Ma torniamo alla week radiofonica che come sempre avrà il solito denominatore comune: sia quello delle Vs richieste e edediche ma anche quello relativo alla Time Machine che come ogni volta, ci farà rivivere quello che accadde musicalmente parlando nell'ultima week di Giugno del 1987: quindi riascolterete le mie 3 proposte, le novità discografiche e le new entries nella classifica dei 45 giri più venduti in Italia 20 anni fà: da non dimenticare anche le 3 numero 1 storiche in Italia, U.K. e U.S.A (alle ore 22 di ciascuna delle ML).
Per le novità attuali, ormai i giochi per l'estate'07 sono fatti: i brani che gareggeranno per diventare il tormento(ne) dell'estate in corso ormai sono tutti "in campo". Sarete voi con le Vs richieste, "gli arbitri" di questa gara che si preannuncia come sempre, al di là del clima, rovente.

L'appuntamento con la YOURTOP10 sarà anticipato a MA 26 vista la sorpresa che vi presenterò nella trasmissione di quella sara... ehm, sera (eccola/e nella foto sopra: Sara Casotti with, alla sua destra, Andrea from NY).
Altra cosa assolutamente da non dimenticare, ma in questo caso la festeggeremo next week, sarà il 1^ compleanno di questo blog che nacque proprio nella prima week di luglio dello scorso anno con questo primo post. Aspetto gli auguri eh!

2 commenti:

  1. :-)


    P.s. Per chi mi ha chiesto un indirizzo e-mail. Potete scrivermi a

  2. So I spent the last week plus with Sara in Italy. She took me around to several cities, including Rome, Lucca, and Milan. We had train rides and bus rides and metro rides and car rides, (and also plane rides for me). We listened to music and professed our love for Radiohead. We went cd shopping and wandered around. I stared at buildings as she drove, because I’m still in awe over urban architecture even though I moved from my native South Florida and lived in NYC and London for the past 4 years. (And no question blown-away by the Roman ruins and buildings etc) She explained her view of Dante and the reccorded beginnings of the Italian language. Our conversations weren’t limit to just that but went on to include health care in each other’s countries, the usual politics, and of course human emotions and love and all that other beautiful and meloncholy stuff. I love rain. We both love Radiohead. Life is ok.

    Sara had me present a playlist of my choice on Musicland, while we were in Tuscany. I was a bit nervous to be on the radio but excited as whenever you feel like you are being creative even if in the most minimal way. My creativity was not original, as in I did not create the music but it was my chosing of songs that meant something to me and therefore had its own element of originality. When chosing songs, I went through my ipod and picked some songs I enjoy listening to. To say whether or not they are my favorite, that’s difficult, but at the very least they are song I enjoy. I also appreciate diversity in all areas and thus put this forth when chosing the songs and artists. Some of the artists I chose are more mainstream or at least well-known. So I tried to pick not their most popular songs but instead songs I really enjoy and maybe songs that some don’t get to know on a regular basis.

    Stefano and Sara, the djs were so welcoming and they both have that persona or energy or something for entertainment. You can see they truly enjoy it and know how to do it with naturalness. It was a pleasure seeing the inner-workings of a radio show. Especially two Italian natives so willing to communicate with me in my native tongue, since my Italian language is limited to the very few words I’ve learned this week including, grazie, prego, gelato, and scusi. It’s amazing seeing this energy they both posess in Italian on the air, then they bring it over to English, and then back to Italian (between translations and everything). To them Grazie.

    The two years between mine and Sara’s meetings have seemed removed during the time we spent together in the last week plus. Even though those two years have been filled for each of us on an individual level with goal-accomplishing and figuring out life as always and constant and everyday little life experiences, it’s just like we said our byes in NY the other day. And here again about to say our byes in Italy. Hopefully next it will be us saying our Hellos in Buenos Aires, and neither of us perfectly or natively speaking the language. Arrivederci
